So I am now going to hit Europe solo. My chances of being accosted and tortured may have gone up by about 600% but now I get to do whatever I want without having to worry about anyone elses feelings. Would have been a party travelling with Ash but i gotta make the most out of the cards that are dealt.
Im sort of bummed that I have to leave LA. Still got another month or so but this place is pretty rad. there are pros and cons but theres so much shit going on here its going to be hard to go back and chill in perth without feeling even boreder than I did before. Will definately be looking into the US visa, even if just to bounce between LA and Aus.
anyway, theres some funny shit that happens here, i have witnessed a bunch of it.
Went to the cinema to see Slumdog Millionare last night. Yep it was rad, just like everyone said. Saw it at the Arclight cinema in hollywood. Shit is crazy, it looks like the domestic terminal at Perth airport. When you go to see a movie a girl comes out before the movie starts and gives you a run down on the director and shit then everyone claps. Rad.
TV over here is almost completely programmed and written whilst on acid. I swear to god the whole random humour thing has been taken to an absolute extreme. I barely understand any of it, but people watch it and just pretend they are so messed up that they get it and I dont because im not as cool as them. Like the Tim and Eric : Awesome show, great job. Sort of funny, mainly shit.
Went to a bar called Sky Bar on Sunset the other night. It was the coolest place i have ever been. Bar around a pimped out pool, little booths and couches and shit. Then i got home and was listening to Nas and he rapped about it. Yeh, thats how cool it was. Didnt see nas there. pretty bummed.
went to the comedy shop or factory or some shit. Its mad famous apparently. The dude in there was shit, there was about 5 people in the crowd and he started trying to pick on me. I bailed. That dude gets paid to make fun of people, I just do it as a hobby, chances are he was way better at it than I, plus he had a mic and amplification. And a stage. You cant compete with that, even if the dude is bald and shit.
My mate Adam is going to be a famous actor. Life is sort of like the first season of entourage for him at the moment. I cant figure out if im Drama or Turtle. Will get back to you. This is him.

Kurt got all his hair cut off and looks like a 12 year old boy.
I started boxing downstairs from the office. Dudes name is Tiger and he was an olympic champion for Nigeria. He is Gwen Stefanis personal trainer. I realised that I probably drop celebrity names on here and sound like a twat. So im just oging to get them all out at once. Its hollywood, celebrities live here, they are totally unentertaining in real life. The evil Madden brothers train downstairs, so does the fat dude from csi miami. Tommy Lee parked outside work the other week and took him and Pamela andersons son out around melrose. All the dudes from Nick Canons Wil'in out are around the place all the time. Everytime you mention that cholo photographer everyone refers to him as their homey, Ari gold was in the sunglasses shop the other day (he didnt say boom, not once) pretty sure I saw TI in vegas, but was pretty drunk and it could have been any swarve black dude with sunnies on. The old dude from entrourage is a drunk and lurks around the place. Kanye and Puffy were in the club near our house the other night, i wasnt. Cobra snake allegedly photographs around the place but i havent seen him or his jewish afro. I was in a club the other week and there was a guy as tall as me so i danced up next to him, joking that he was Kobe, turns out he did play for the lakers but wasnt Kobe. That chick from American Beauty and American Pie was eating in the burger joint 2 seats away from me the other week. I thought about hugging her but bailed on the idea. Kelly Osborne is short and stumpy and I saw her in a bar, The whole cast of the new 90210 were at a party at that other doosh celebrities house. That dude from Van Wilder that is a drunk and says "The radest fucking dude alive" or something was at a house party too the other week, I was eating lunch the other day and that little whiney loser shitbag singer from Yellowcard was sitting at the table next to me. I wanted to say something about his shitty band and their nu metal looking drummer but i couldnt string the words together. The dude that is the voice of the rat from Ratatoulle was drinking at the same bar as me the other night, i cant remember how I have that information. I think thats abotu it to be honest, not all that inspiring. They seem to eat and drink too.
Hollywood is mad dirty and unsafe. Hollywood is a raging party with heaps of super legit people making shit happen. Pretty huge contrast.
Im about to go to the launch party for a high budget Porno. Random.
Doing some work for a lady who worked on the HOPE campaign for Obama with Sheppard Fairy. She gets to meet the president soon, I dont.
Changed my flights today to fly to London on April 9 instead of April 12 so that I can see Poison the Well at the Barfly on April 10. Siiiiiiked.
Meeting up with Fab on my birthday in Amsterdam then going to hang with him in Milan. Now i will be the foreigner that everyone takes the piss out of's accent. Shoe will be firmly on the other foot. Hopefully i dont tell any italians that i will "blow them" as fab did illuding to the fact that he would "blow them up, as in kill them". Fingers Crossed. This is Fab with me when i was made of cardboard.

This is a rant. Probably doesnt make much sense.
Hope everyone at home is livin well.
muchos lovos.
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