Got drunk, met a giant girl out the front on a cigarette break. She was annoying and told me she was from Philidelphia. I told her that i thought it was discusting the way that her people treated Tom Hanks. She didnt get it.

Sponsored a fashion show last night and sort of the grand opening of a hair salon that is underneath the office. Heaps of chicken, heaps of mac and cheese. Pretty rad. Did a couple of canvas prints up for auction, the event was a charity thing for the Midnight Mission on Skid Row. Made me think of that song from little shop of horrors.

ended up hanging out in the Sneaktip offices after the show, they are just down the hall. Checked out the new range samples, Marlon has his shit on lockdown. Good dude, good hustle. Ended up hitting the HUF and DVS party down next door to canters on Fairfax. Drinks were a lot cheaper than most places. Got suitably drunk. Ended up raging with dudes from the Hundreds and a bunch of other good labels. A black girl out the front of the bar told us we had no respect cos we were drinking on the street. Kurt wrote her off. ate pizza. cabbed home.
Need to get a snapper so i can get general party photos. 350d isnt too travel friendly. My Blackjack takes shitty snaps too.
Walked down melrose the other day and came across a bunch of flyers pasted to street posts. I love how this guy really tries to sell his whole pitch by writing pizza and movies on the top and bottom of the flyer. Latino asian and white girls were cuing up to call this dude. Smooooth.

The exchange rate is kicking my ass so hard here. Plus the fact that ANZ the nazi bank are giving me an exchange rate on my credit card that is around the 62c mark, when the rest of the world seems to be bouncing around the 72c mark. Gunna have to sort something out.
My cousin in Manchester just hooked me up with tickets to Utd vs Tottenham at Old Trafford. Siiiiked.
Ben Ashley is becoming less and less contactable. Possible bail out on europe. Hoping not because solo european travellers often end up at that place from the Hostel movies, or even worse on Contiki. Rough.
Had a great piss on hollywood and highland. thought it was worth photographing.

Just saw the lineup for bamboozle. Think i might hit it up before i bail LA. Bronx, Parkway, Have Heart, Thrice and a bunch of shit across 2 days. Really wanna see bronx in LA, even if it is at an emo festival (that is headlined by 50 cent....)

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