Downtown is sketchy as shit though, i was really feeling the vibe of the place but its gang central apparently. Went to Estevan Oriols exhibition the other day on Melrose and stood for about an hour as his prints rolled past on this hanging conveyor thing. Nothing short of amazing, but definately makes you realise that you are in one of the most dangerous places in the world. A lot of his stuff is shot downtown, I liken the landscape to a massive version of St Georges Terrace, lots of grey and a lot of tall buildings, really fucking liked the area.

Hit another party in the hills on Friday night. Fucking hilarious. We went out and got margaritas at some mexican joint on sunset, then headed up to a friends house in the hills. The guy has just moved here from NYC and it was like his first day in this house. We drove up into the hills looking for his place, ended up at the top of the hollywood hills, you couldnt go any further. The view of the city from up there is almost 360 degrees. The city just keeps going and going. Annnyway. We get in touch with the dude and realise we are pretty much standing in his front yard. His house was next door to David Beckhams old place in the hills. So we walk in past a couple of BMW's and some expensive looking older car and are met by this Jewish dude. He is an actor and a friend of a friend. I really wish i had a video camera for the whole hour or so we were there. Basically, me, 2 guys and a girl rock up to a party of about 20 people. People are drinking and dancing in the living room. There is a balcony that looks over most of LA. I decide to give myself a tour and realise that this house is 7 stories high. Every level is the same, wooden floors, plasma TV's huge bathrooms etc. And every single level is empty. I recon i could have moved in nd the dude wouldnt have even known.
Anyway, go back up to the party just in time for the host to make a speech. It was like something from a movie. He got up on a bench of some sort and raised his red plastic cup, began talking about how we were all together on this journey and it has just begun. There will be partys and bla bla bla, but he was so into it, i could tell he had practiced his speech. I was tripping out cos i seemed to be the only one that thought this was the lamest thing i had ever seen. Then the dude just starts dancing and really staring at everyone around him. Like dancing like a queer but super seriously and looking at everyone as if they are blown away by his moves. His glances were mostly captured by the huge wall sized mirror that was at the far end of the living room. He was pretty much putting on a show for himself. Awesome. It was sort of like this
Some guy with an australian accent came up and started telling me he was from melbourne, I asked him where abouts in melbourne and how long he had been out for, and he said "just kidding, im an actor, thats my australian accent". Dickhead.
Played drums last night for a friends band at rehearsal. Im not a drummer. My 3 beats got me through the jam though. Now i have blisters cos im a gay. Went outside for a smoke and met a dude called "Crazy Chrome". Dude was off his head, big black guy, kept bumping chests with me and calling me his n**ger. Wanted me to smoke a blunt with him, but i bailed on it cos, well he was insane, and his name was crazy chrome.
Trying to plan europe now, think im gunna have to cut tokyo and melbs off the list due to lack of cashish. Maybe if clients started paying me i could holiday forever.
If your in europe or the uk from April 9 - June 8ish then hit me up.
Oh yeh, ust pulled some images off of my blackjack phone.

New England Clam Chowder... Is it the red or the white? - i found it funny.

I wish i could come up with some witty tagline for this. Preggo? what the fuck.

The finest beverage in America. Addict.

Theres heaps of Australian shit over here that I always get asked about. Do you drink Fosters, Do New Zealanders really hate you, Do you eat at Outback Steakhouse (a chain over here), so I was buying cigarettes this morning and saw this. Boomerang Vodka. Its so legit it even has a kangaroo on it. I bet this is what steve irwin drank before touching Crocodiles.
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