Ah the waiting game.
So the Idesign International awards were on in Hollywood on Thursday night. I rocked up severely underdressed and drank some free wine, snacked on some cheese and had my photo taken (which i still cant find on the net, may have been cut) Anyway, I won the award for Best Catalogue Design and was nominated for Graphic Designer of the year, which was pretty amazing. I was the youngest dude there and the only one in jeans. ftw.
Brad and Dyson, my bogan business partners at appareldirect, world dominating metal promoters and generally rad guys have been in town all week. Met the heads of a few major metal labels out here and scored some free dinners. Was awesome to hang out with mates on the other side of the world. We went to the Rainbow lounge on sunset for dinner on wed night...
Just before leaving i tell kurt where im going, he is like "oh yeh, cypress hill and ron jeremy are always hangin out there". I didnt think much about it and off i fucked.
Within 20 minutes of being in this resteraunt / bar, ron jeremy walks past and sits down. Dyson loses his mind. Finish my meal, cant stop looking at some dude that looks like an old version of Kid Rock that is sitting with 4 girls that look like they probably do or did porn at some point in their lives. Actally most of the girls in this place have definately had sex on camera at some point. Im sure of it. I digress, Kid Rock Snr noticed my constant glances (not in that way) and became pretty upset with me.. Still, pretty shitty story cos i still am not sure who he was but he was from something and looked like a real douche. Ah Well
The night continues, they let you smoke weed inthe front beer garden (it is pretty much on the street on sunset) so we take our drinnks outside and attempt to roll a spliff out of a hollowed out cigarette. Fail. I lean forward and ask the dude at the table next to us if i can steal a paper..
"only if you stop talking with that fucking stupid accent"
It was Sendog from Cypress Hill. Ended up chillin with him and his homies for a few hours talking shit and laughing at some dooshbag that was trying to get us to go see his shitty band the next night. The guy looked like he modelled himself on both Bono and Steven Tyler. At the same time. It was fucking retarded.

Ended up bailing at closing time, a homeless guy tried to sell me this rad tiny sony digital video camera for $110. I offered him $40 cash. Wasnt keen. The recession is even hurtin the Hustlers.
Left the bar and headed up to the Hills to check out the views at night. They fence off a lot of the good lookout spots at night so that gang dudes dont hang out there and rob tourists at night. Good thing im local as shit. End up climbing a fence, then watching brad fumble his way over followed by dyson. Suprisingly their primitive taste in music didnt do anything for their climbing ability.

Chilled and looked over the city. Was definately one of those life reflection moments, could have easily been on Dawsons Creek. Security rocked up and told us off, probably would have copped a fine if brad didnt talk us out of it with the "we are from australia and were just admiring your beautiful city" line. Golden.
Night finished around 6am back at marina del ray, where Curb your enthusiasm is filmed. Such a nice place, quite the contrast to Hollywood.
Oh that reminds me, i went to meet them at their hotel on Monday night for Dinner. Cost me $45US to get a cab from my place to Marina. Coming home, it cost me $70US.Dude took me the entire length of Crenshaw at 3am. I was going to call him on it but i was pretty confident that he was going to kick me out in Compton at 3am if i argued with him. Thanks taxi man, I would have ended up being found naked and dead by these kids

Been working at Dim Mak a fair bit, I have rebranded Dim Mak Tuesdays (which is the hugest party in LA) and started doing their flyers. I designed one for Rye Rye the other night which was awesome cos shes dope. I just got asked to do 3 designs for Kid Cudi too. Sooooo fucking siked. Im such a design nerd. All the dudes at Dim Mak have become really good mates, im going to post a video of Yoshio, my new japanese friend on here soon, he is like the real borat. Dude is unintentionally hilarious and partys like a demon. Heres the flyer format and logo redesign i have just done for them

Dorcia is linking up with Dim Mak for a party on the tursday night before good friday at Bar Open in perth, Get down there cos we are giving a bunch of free shit out.
So i leave LA a week on Thursday. Bitter Sweet really, iv had such a fucking amazing time here, I cant figure out if it has gone super fast or not... If anyone is thinking about coming out here, just do it, dont holiday in Hollywood, but definateyl do 3 weeks to a month. I think u need to really spend some time here to appreciate it.
Enough of my motivational tape bullshit. Im tired of typing so im gunna just rant.
Kurt and brooke just moved into a new apartment. Its on Sunset Junction and is fucking rad. Thanks heaps kurt, i have been living in the ghetto for nearly 3 months, the week i leave u move into a baller pad in party central. Way to go.
While i have been boxing to keep fit with Tiger downstairs, i have gained a litre a day redbull addiction, coupled with about a 15 cigarette a day habit and i swear too much. At least i dont drink coffee.
LAPD pretty much beat up a friend of mine. Fuck the Police. Not in an australian, "cops are fucked aii" sort of way. Cops over here will fucking kill you if you cross them, they are the biggest gang in LA and have more power than anyone. People generally fear them more than the Bloods and Crips. No shit. They hate Whoopie Goldburgs lips..
I saw Gwen Steffani outside work the other day. She was surrounded by about 9 papparazo, papparazi, whatever. She actually looked incredible, like she was in a movie or something. Hard to explain. Anyway i said hi cos she walked right past me and she said "heeeeeey". Yeh, she was def keen.
I saw alec Baldwin last week, cant remember if i already posted that.

I just shot the new range of Sneaktip stuff to get posted on blogs and shops like Karmaloop etc. Just did it for a mate here, was a quick snap job but came out pretty rad.
Should have gone to Les Deux last wed cos Rhianna and Adrian Brody were there hanging out with my friend Marlon. Marlons gf is her stylist. Pretty sure she is over black dudes that dance good, could have definately used my "white guy that dances bad" card... lose.
Missed out on seeing birds of tokyo with brad and dyson cos we got the dates mixed up. Woops.
Still have no idea where im staying in the UK. Should probably get onto that.
Trying to get my friend Romi to get me in to get tattood by Kat Von D next week. Not because I want to be on her hack show, but cos shes rad at tattooing.
I went to a bar in Silver Lake last night called ChaChas. They had a vending machine that had the following contents. This Is no lie.
Porno Trading Cards
Saddam Hussein Collecter Cards
Spermicidal Lubricant
Corn Chips
Candy and Chips.
Heaps more has happened i think but im really tired of typing.
Muchos Gracious.
Bring back Hangin with Mr Cooper.
- s
is that sarah morrisson on your flyer? formerly from missbehave mag??? x natalie (from melb) you should myspace me the reply.