I hung out with Hug yesterday, hes another Perth dude and we rolled Fairfax and got yelled at by a homeless dude together. It was a real bonding experience. We discussed the real issues of America, like the fact that no one knows what the fuck "suss" or "keen" means. We are pretty deep. Anyway, he was raving about San Fran and how it was the best place he had been, so i thought, fuck it, im going to go and see the full house house and that red bridge. Plus I consider it training for my solo venture around Europe next month, so I booked a flight and a Hostel and Im outtie on Friday til Sunday. This is Hug and this is his blog
Everyone watch Eastbound and Down. Its amazing.
Moneys too tight to mention. Someone send me some cash.
Hit the hundreds store on fairfax and got photoboothed.

This store only sold hats. It was dope.

I wish home was as cool as LA. Get ur shit together Perth, I love you but your bringin me down.
My friend Hunter got arrested for DUI. Went to prison for 2 days then got released. You do not want to go to county in LA. But he did. Didnt get penetrated but had some mad stories. He did however write one of the most amazing poems i have ever read. Im going to try and get it to put on here. Dont get me wrong, i hate that new age hessian wearing "im ugly and have no sense of style or social skills so i write poetry so people think im deep" shit, but the dude was in prison, only had a pen and wrote the thing on his body.
That is bad ass. So is my animated gif

Free Chilly.
hell suss some capscicum, you will keen