My mate Alex came into the office around 7ish, LA has kicked his ass so hes going back to Pitsburg to regroup and sleep with ex girlfriends. Dude is a good laugh, reminded me of my stoner perth friends. Speaking of which, Ben Ashley explained to me yesterday that he was sick with Bong Crisis. He then explained that meant bronchitis. Such a stoner joke..
Anyway, Alex explains that he is quitting smoking and busts out a packet of Nicotene Losengers. Explaining how they give you a steady release of nicotene and you dont feel like smoking.
So i grab one, suck on it. Literally feels like im inhaling a cigarette constantly for the next 30 minutes. I start tripping balls. Do not want. Go and buy cigarettes immediately.

We go grab some KFC, everyone laughs at me (not at all with me) for asking for a 3 piece feed. Its really not that funny. The mexican lady a the window offers me 18 pieces of chicken for $7. I aske her what the fuck i am supposed to do with that much chicken. She tells me that isnt her problem.
Pull up near the bar. get out of the car, walk down the road and i hear a clikcety clack behind me. I turn around to see 2 girls dressed in high heels and underwear strolling behind us. I just glance, i dont want to stare, i dont need to. Its Hollywood i spose, this shit happens, maybe they are strippers walking to work, maybe they just like underwear, who knows. So we cross the road and i tell alex and kurt to check it out. They turn around and are suprised at the site. I laugh. They laugh. We are now at the front of the club. The bouncer laughs. Alex says something about how standard that is in Hollywood. I say something like "what girls jut walking the streets in their underwear?".. Everyone laughs, hard. Way harder than my comment did any justice. Something is very wrong. Turns out im the only one that didnt know that they were infact men. Ladymen. How the fuck am i supposed to even consider this option. Im from perth, i dont think i have ever seen a ladyman. Seems back home, even if ur gay, you definately have an identifiable gender. I will never trust my eyes again. Ever. Nor will i live that down.. fuck Hollywood.
So we hit the bar and there was about 20 people in there. Was super chill, The Bronx dudes were spinning James Brown and Metallica, Greg from Bad Religion was there, Benji Madden was hangin out, it was a really cool vibe. There were $1 shots for 15 minutes from 12-1215. However, i had smoked about 5 cigarettes and had a nicotene losenger earlier so I was pretty much on PCP.
Met Benji and spoke with Matt from the Bronx for a bit. Both super nice dudes that had all the time in the world for some random giant australian.

yeh im rad at posing for photos..
Good times.
Kurt gave me a digital snapper, the 350d isnt really an option for general bar nights. Its pretty decent
Still hooking up european dates at the moment. Thinking about hitting sweden for a week before Amsterdam. Meeting up with Fab and his friends The Crookers in Amsterdam now, going to be party times for sure. Ill be the dude that doesnt speak italian. Charlie B is going to be in Europe at the same time as me too, so we are gunna rage a few destinations. Also going to meet up with my new friend Grant in London, even though we are creepy internet friends im pretty sure it will be a party. Gunna try and hit up Sean on the Deez Nuts tour in Europe too, i just need to find out where the hell the strange spelled places they are touring actually are.
Never a dull moment.
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