Monday, March 16, 2009

San Fran - Epic Post

This post is going to be full of photos and words that mean something to me, probably not much to you, so i take this time to be self indulgent and chances are, your going to read it. Baaaaa, Baaaa.

Alright so as i stated earlier, Kurts girlfriend was getting into town on Saturday so i thought i would be a good dude and bail the city, to give them some special alone time. So i hit San Fran for a few days, had a fucking great time, bla bla bla

This was my first taste of hostel life, im going to be rolling through many a hostel in Europe mainly solo so this was a good tester. Met heaps of good crew, heaps of average crew and a few losers. Standard.

Seems like in hostels are purely based around drinking beer, playing drinking games, dressing like shit and getting angry at people who spill beer. Turned my brain down to half and partook in the festivities of, well, drinking beer. Now most of you know that I pretty much drink Vodka exclusively, so hitting the beer messed me up pretty bad, held it together but.

So in sumarising, hostels are cheap, nasty, dirty, smell bad and are full of pretty cool people, over the top receptionists and staff, theres a few people that really play on the whole "your from this country, you must like this, my country is better" trip. Fortunately i feel i have no heratige and have no pride in any country, so people could write off english and australians till the cows come home. I like my friends, but australians can defend themselves. Your on your own Australia.

Met up with Callum and spent the day taking photos of the same shit, being generally rad and photobombing asian tourist photos. Sort of bitter sweet in that the act of photo bombing is hilarious but you will never get to see the photo... Heres me photobombing Callums arty BurgerKing photo

alright, heres a bunch of photos i took in sanfran.

lots of stickers outside a shoe store. standard.

me taking a photo of callum taking a photo.

This got me thinking about what makes a good quote. I think it comes down to the setting. You could have written anything at all on this monument, polished the concrete and had water firing out of it at random and it would have looked profound. Imagine if it read "bitches aint shit but ho's and tricks". People would have given that quote much more thought.

saw the creepiest thing right here. A homeless guy in a wheelchair. Only had one leg. Was trying to drag himself across the tracks with his one leg, sock half off. Swearing at the world. No pants. Saw his nethers. Too much to process, I just moved on with my life. Not sure if i will ever fully recover though.

Not pictured here, but the day before some 50 year old woman was standing in the cable car, the roads are pretty hilly and you lose your balance a bit. It was cramped. She kept saying "I cant do this, i just cant" in some desperate attempt to get someone to give up their seat. If you had one leg and no pants, my seat would have been yours. Until that day, please shut up, your ruining my ride.

Golden Gate Bridge was rad. Got all touristy.

(i stole this photo from callums blog - go there

Union square was really cool. Actually San Fran was cool all round. If anyone is coming to the states then check it out for sure.

This guy hasnt been laid in ages

Dick jokes are funny in any country. I recon if yuou were in afghanistan, there would still be dicks drawn on signs like this. And Afghanis would laugh, just as i did with this.

This is probably the best thing i have ever seen. Ever. Its like a study in the circle of life. The cat really wants to eat the rat. But he knows if he does, the dog is going to eat him. If the dog eats the cat with the rat inside it, he will have no companions, and then he is just a dog, not a fucking animal stacking superstar.

this is my favourite photo of the trip so far, and it was taken on the shittest camera i have ever owned (or borrowed)

This is MJ, i had met her a few times in Australia, she tour manages bands around America and Aus. Pretty sweet job. She and Callum dont kill animals for food so we ate at a vegan place and it was actually sweet.

Stole this photo from Callum again. I had been drinking pretty hard the night before. Look like some deformed supervillain.

This was in one of many stores Callum claimed to be cool, that really wasnt. Nothing says punk rock like an 80's face with glasses. Oh, actually, an 80s face with glasses and Minor Threat written above it, thats much more punk rock.

This place was amazing.

So yeh, that was my san fran trip. Good times good people.

Funny shit did happen though, as usual. Spotted a dude in the hostel bar, he had one of those short hair at front, mohawk mullet sort of haircuts, a white studded belt and a fighting bulls shirt on. Dude may aswell have been wearing an australian flag and dragging around a dead "insert ethnic reference here". Unfortunately he heard my accent and came over to abuse other nationalitys with his new team mate. Dudes name was, and this isnt a lie "Butch". He was from melbourne. One of the first F grade people I have met in this country, and he was from my country. "Irony isnt the right word, but its the first one that comes to mind" (yeh iv been reading Choke)

Oh that takes me back to the night before i left LA. We are standing in a bar called The Woods just off sunset, it was like a random culmination of all the poeple i have met in LA in the same place at the same time, totally unplanned. We are all laughing and just having a good time when some 5 foot 5 sweaty fat dude slams into me. I turn around and he is leaning back as far as he can looking up at me. My first thought is "I bet this dude is scottish". Im not really one for stereotypes, but u cant help what your first thought is. Dude opens with "your a big fooker arent yahrgh". Meet John from Glasgow. Way to be a cock.

On the flight home from San Fran there was some 40 year old guy sitting next to me. He wasnt one for conversation, im sort of chatty on flights a little bit, im the guy that you dont really want to sit next to if your antisocial. Anyway, the dude wasnt keen on chatting, i was cool with that. When the plane started speeding up on the runway he clutched his legs and started saying "fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" under his breath and closing his eyes so tight that it made his face a purply red colour. Winner. Im pretty sure the plane would have crashed on take off if he hadnt done that little number. Thanks guy.

Just found out Kid Cudi is playing on monday night at cinespace. Super keen. My new mate Luke runs Dim Mak records, who run the night and gave us the heads up. Which is good, cos if i got that information after the fact i would have been off the world. completely. Im sort of Interning for Dim Mak while im here, they throw rad partys, release rad music and just generally do rad shit. Check them out here.

Thinking about going to NYC later in the month.

Europe is coming soon. Cant wait. But will be sad to leave LA.

Oh found out that you go to prison for a few days (up to 28) for street graffiti here. Now not to dent my integrity as an "artist" but sticking a poster on a wall in the middle of the night really isnt worth prison rape. Well thats my thoughts anyway. Im too pretty for prison.

Sort of have a beard. Wont last.

Should really do some work now

Hope everyone is winning.

Free Shappelle.

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