So i got to bail LA in three weeks. Pretty off it to be honest, but come what may i suppose. Time to make shit happen in London and then chill around Europe for a month before returning home to Perth to decide where my life is going to go.
Im usually ready for whatever, but LA has floored me. You know how people talk shit and give you those cliche'd sayings like "you can achieve anything you put your mind to" or "today is the first day of the rest of your life", i fucking hate that shit. Im not really sure what my point is here, im a bit hungover so this is going to be a bit disjointed. Oh yeh, i was getting at the fact that absolutely anything can happen here, in a second, and where im from, shit doesnt work like that.
So im just gunna go through various events that have happened over the past few days.
I have started working for Dim Mak in LA. They throw huge partys, put out some bullshit good releases and have a dope clothing range. I met a really cool couple called Luke and Joanna and ended up getting mad hooked up. So im in the Dim Mak offices 2 days a week till i leave and wil be continuing working with them through europe and back in Australia. This blows my mind, because half the reason i came to LA was to party at Dim Mak clubs like Cinespace and LAX and now im designing for them. Shit is crazy
I am not really going to say too much about what happens in the offices cos they keep a pretty tight lid on most shit, which is totally understandable, but i will say that they are good people and its totally refreshing to see that legit dudes are also super nice. Good times
I hit up Cinespace on tuesdauy night to see kid cudi. Soooo fucking good, dude killed it. Noreaga, Will i am and apple d all god up and freestyled. Was totally confused cos i think since fergie joined the peas, Will i am and co are pretty much the collective anticrist, however, he absolutely killed it on stage on tues. So now my whole existance is pretty much turned upside down.The band that opened the show were called Red Riders. they were australian. They dressed bad but they sort of killed it. then i saw that dooshbag dude that used to be on channel v. They automatically went from cool to a joke. i think he was their manager.

u can see my tall ass whiteboy head here too
Anyways, I met a group called thunderheist like the week i got here, they are super rad and very nice, we became [pretty good friends. Isis from the group was in town to do a live performance on the Jimmy Kimmel show with MSTRKRFT. We ended up getting hooked up with greenroom tickets and getting to see the performance. Met Noreaga and the dudes from MSTRKRFT. The producer came up tome and kurt and told us that we were going to be like right in the shot as jimmy threw from the desk to the stage and that we had to like look at jimmy, then at the stage as the camera came through. I took the opportunity to sealpaw america, unfortunately i cannot find footage of the event, im hoping it got on tele. Either way you can see my melon bopping about in this footage. Im the tall guy.
Oh also we met andy samburg from HotRod, he was on the show. Isis got a dope photo with him doing the jizz in my pants face. Fucking hilarious. Will post photo when it pops up.
Larry Clarke is shooting a new film/doco. cant say what about but i might be in it. Dude told me that we knew eachother in a previous life. i thought he was just some creepy old dude. He filmed me for ages which was sort of uncomfortable. I find out the next day that he is the dude that directed kids and bully. Crazy shit.
Aww yeah, i was walking home from the Kimmel show, down hollywood blvd at about midnight. I walk past this tattoo shop (nothing really closes here) right on hollywood, like stars and shit. Im pretty drunk and i hear this breakdown that sounds familiar. Prom Queen blasting out of the tatt shop on the other side of the world. Fucking random. Quickly called sean and blabbered some story about hearing his band. I thought it was cool. shuttup.
Found out that Thnderheist are going to be on the Crookers tour in europe when im there. Me and fab are going to be rolling a few dates with them so its going to be party times. Small world.
Designing some shirts for Kid Cudi. siked/
I continuously get fucked over at resteraunts over here. I either orer the most expensive thing on the menu or what i order is absolute shyt.
Heres some examples.
Hash browns. I like hash browns. Solid clumps of shredded potato. I like full english breakfast. Americans have no idea what a full english is. Everything here has pancakes and syrup and shit. And the sausage have sugar on them and shit. Its fucking stupid. Oh yeh, hash browns arent hash browns here so beware. They are like shredded potatos, not in solid clumps like we are used to. They are shredded like carrots. And they suck.
Macdonalds dont do a mcChicken. or maybe they do. i dunno, i tried to buy one today and the moron woman didnt know what i was talking about. If your macdonalds doesnt work, if yo cant order a happy meal easily, your country is fucked. Period. Clean up your act america.
They have powerade on tap here at macdonalds. No shit. random.
We went out for italian the other night and i asked the lady if they had carbonara. She said no. I explained that i wanted a creamy sauce with bacon and mushrooms. No. italy is fucking built on bacon mushrooms and creme. they had dishes like : pasta and olive oil. Sounds awesome. Or, it sounds like what u eat when u wake up hungover and realisr that the only 2 foodstuffs availabel in the pantry are maggie noodles and virgin olive oil. Italian my ass.
Found out that americans do actually know what "keen" means. they just thought i was saying "cane". i aint changin. cane it is.
Oh i mentioned that this girl looked Juvi the other day. She has modelled for dim mak and shit and is like an internet celeb (shes like 20). people lost their minds on the word juvi. im hell funny cos im australian.'

Met a dude from japan. he is way cooler than me on a novelty accent level. He asked me if i knew how to use illustrator but it sounded more like irrustwatah. Best thing ever.
Still havent seen a single fight in LA. No scuffles, no pushes, no shoves, nothing. Dudes will shoot you in the street, but they dont lay hands on eachother otherwise. Seems everyone sues everyone here so no one bothers. Maybe perth should start suing more.
I explained the one punch law to some friends here. They asked what happens if you kick someone, and if it is covered under the same law. smart asses.
Not really missing home anymore, just missing having a home, bed, couch etc. dont get me wrong, i miss my friends but shit is rolling out here. LA is still ghetto as shit but u can def see why ppl live here.
was gunna go to NYC but im not going to get a chance now.
accept my design award next week. will swiftly be changing my name to scott "internatinoally award winning" mellor. and getting grills.
United keep losing, pretty off it.
fuck yall.
not really.
american maccas do have mcchickens. they are on the dollar menu and they are tiny, and they call them the mcchicken sandwich. i will neverrrrrrrr understand the sandwich bit.