LA is crazy, i say this shit all the time but the pace of things here is ridiculous. Not even in a lame way, just in the fact that everyone is doing somehting interesting, everyone is super nice and everyone is keen to get you involved in cool shit.
I cant even remember what I have posted on here so im just going to blurt out shit.
Went out to the echoplex and met a bunch of super cool people. Ended up hanging out with Isis and Graem from thunderheist. They killed it at the show and me and kurt just pretty much walked back stage, i started putting masking tape on everyone, ended up hanging at their hotel talking shit and getting high. Check em out, they make good songs and stuff. This photo popped up on the net, the dude in the front was good value, he runs a lot of shit here as far as partys go, we didnt know this, so kurt kept putting his finger over the tattoo on the dudes chest so that it said ROUBLE instead of TROUBLE. Everyone was calling him roubles. He wasnt siked, everyone else was. Tough break. Ended up hanging out with the futurecop dudes too. They played music that sounded like the soundtrack to old atari games. Good dudes, from manchester. One looked like he was a doctor.

First three weeks here i went out every single night. Theres always something going on. Met some good crew, ate a lot of shit, drank a lot of jack daniels. I cant drink vodka in this country, its too strong. Call me a pussy but vomiting on people at the bar isnt cool anywhere. Went pretty nuts with the holga, but i think the flash is out of sync so its now being used strictly as a day cam.
Been drinking at a bar called Birds. Its pretty cool, the chic that owns it is old and mental and ets on the bar with a hula hoop all the time. Ended up playing some fucked up drinking game with a couple of friends and the door man there, ended badly. It was a monday. Didnt quite get back on track till thurs.

went to a gallery show that sheppard fairey had shit at. Think hes pretty over rated. maybe not hm, but his style is everywhere now. Like evvvverywhere. So u see one of his originals and it looks tired as shit. Sucks to be him.
Pretty keen to get an apartment near hollywood blvd. Theres heaps of old loft style places with like fire escape balconys and shit. Good place. Took these shots from that area
Henney wasnt mine, some G must have left it there. Pity i missed it.

Went to vegas on tuesday for Magic and Project, made heaps of good hookups. Vegas is fucking nuts, didnt really take many photos. Its like a theme park, heaps of cheap shit and good partys.
So heres how it went down, the dude from Sneaktip works in the office block here, came over and said come down to vegas, we got a stall etc. So we busted out some work and left the next day. The whole idea was to go see Kid Cudi play the Famous DCMA party on tues night. Anyway, we dont get in till like 2am on wed morning, drove through the desert. Looked like the set from These hills Have Eyes. It was creepy as shit. Missed the party. Anyyyway. The next night i meet this bad ass gangster looking vatos out the front of the Bellagio. One of them has a mr cartoon piece on his arm. These guys were fucking bad ass looking, but i ended up chatting to them about mr cartoon, australia, magic etc etc. They were cool as shit. Annnyway, one of them tells me that he was at the Kid Cudi party the night before. Said that dude killed it and it was the best night in vegas. Then he tells me that Michael Jordan was there just chillin like it was no thing. Michael Jordan. Shit. Worst missed party ever.
Anyway, made heaps of contacts at project. Hit some crazy partys. Scammed into the Undefeated party and saw Atrak killing it. No one gave a shit, was super lame. Dude was on it.
Hit the Wesc party at the venitian. it was shit.
Ended up at the Hudson jeans party and creative republic or something. Was fucking huge. massive massive pool, huge club, like 4000 people. Hangin out by the pool and 2 kids from perth just walk up. Crazy. Ended up raging with them into the whee hours. Got hustled into a strip club. Ripped off. Fuck vegas.

My good friend and bullshit designer Callum arrived in LA a couple of days later. Hes heading off on tour with Ceremony next week but we are gunna rage LA for sure. Was good to hang out with a good dude on the other side of the world. check him out here. www.callumpreston.com
Went to a party at this guys house cos one of kurts friends knows him

was right up in the hills, the sort of place where you look out over LA and know how rich you are. He's on ER or something.
Met some girls, they were cool, turned out they were the cast of the new 90210 series. Then found out that the girl we actually went with is one of the Bratz. Crazy shit. Didnt know either of the shows but people were jocking the shit out of them. I stole some face moisturiser from the house. Sort of feel bad about it. But needed some momento. you can take the guy out of perth but....
Running out of money. Doin heaps of aus work though Should be sweet. may sell crack. Will watch 50 cent movie to suss out the logistics of it all. Will make the turn on to crenshaw

Smoking way too much. Parlaiments are the one.
Drank some grape drink. Was rad.

Redbull comes in half litre cans.
The above post is totally out of chronological order.
queens get money.
peas out
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