Cigarettes are mad cheap here too, i just bought a carton of 15 packs of marlboro lights for $30US. Cheers america, siked on cancer. I saw a car chase on the tele last night and everyone thought it was Chris Brown. The dude ended up topping himself which was pretty sad. It was about 3 blocks from my office.

Been working like a demon, 12 hour days minimum really. Just knocked out a catalogue and range for a company in Aus called Valyside. Delby took the photos, came up dope. Cant wait to see it printed.
Its my brothers birthday today, hes pretty rad. Bummed i dont get to rage with him at Dorcia this week. Sorta missing that shit. And being able to go for a run, or walk around at night without the fear of murder. Heres a photo of danny eating a kebab. he hell likes kebabs.

Melrose is pretty tame as far as gangs and shit go, but someone got held at gunpoint last week at the bottom of my stairs at like 930am. Dont rob me motherfuckers. Please.
I recon if someone pulled a gun on me i would be pretty scared. Standard.
Kurt smokes heaps of weed. And is going to be hell dark on me for saying that.
Thinking about getting an apartment on hwood bvd. Its awesome. Not siked on floor sleeps. Crashed on many couches lately.
Been snapping like a demon with the lomo ash got me.

Pasteups start this week
Its fucking cold. No shit.
California never rains. who told me that. lier!
Man u get to see/hear about the proper LA shit, i didn't see any guns or gangstas when i was there! did you know teenagers tend to rent guns in London, go figure! makes sense.