aiit so im finding my feet over here.
I just won an international design award from idesign for the Haidace Catalogue i did back in early 2008. The awards are in LA while im here. So... party all the time.
I just bought a plant for my office. Its nice.
shit is freaking me out a bit here. In a good way mostly.
99c store is like as big as bunnings. And sells pretty much everything. They lie though cos we found a pez despenser that was marked at 1.49. liars.
Homeless people are actually pretty funny. Not in a "laugh at the homeless guy" way, more in their general outlook on life and their banter. I had a cigarette with a guy with 3 teeth and face tattoos today, he was cool as shit. I have started photographing homeless people and hookers with the Lomo ash gave me. May die.
My pasteups start next week, we are going to buy a single colour print machine real cheap tomorrow. siked. this guy is killing it here, but he is a bit shit.

Theres a whole bunch of jock dudes here. worst. Saw the biggest cock block of all time at Best Buy. There was a small jewish guy trying to pull this amazing brazillian chick, helping her with digital tv receivers or something. He was overachieving like a motherfucker, and the girl was actually responding pretty well, then just as he is about to go for the number this Jock dude from like 5 metres away strikes up this big conversation with her and steals her away. Jewish man was so off it. I was just watching it like it was reality tv.
Fast food. Everywhere, 24 hours, $1 menu at macdonalds, In n Out burger.
Its impossible to stay fit: Dont run at night or ull die.
Just stay home and eat ur $1 menu
The smell of weed is in the air constantly. Its legalised here if u have a medicinal card. U can get one from any doctor in california if you claim to have insomnia. Then u can go to stores and buy weed.

The people across the hall from us have directed pretty much every video on MTV, beyonce, britney, kings of leon. im doing work for them now. They are like 25. Its ridiculous.
Nick Cannon is in the same office block as our office. He is married to Mariah Carey and wears suits that are too big for him.
Parlaiment cigarettes are amazing

I went to the opening party of some new apartment building last night. Drank organic vodka. It was all free. Prices for he apartments start at $2m. I was in vans and a flanno. Everyone elses hair was slicked back. Me and the bar guy hit it off. Everyone else thoguht i had snuck in. Got rowdy, told some girls that no one in america has real names. they were called Telesha and something or other.
Going to see justice tonight and heading to fucked up and trash talk tomorrow night.
Went to hermosa beach last week. It was so good. sort of what scarborough should be but isnt.

The woman kurt is friends with is some major PR chick and was talking to Katy Perry on AOL yesterday. She passed on a "wassup" message to her for me.
Im trying to scam my way into the grammys on sat night.
fun times
peace out
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