Its summer here at the moment and it is hot as a motherfucker. Thats hot.
Fortunately we are staying at the Roosevelt and the pool is amazing so there is a lot of work being done and a lot of breaks being taken down by the pool.
The greatest thing about this place is that shit can change in a second. I have tried to explain this to people a bunch of times but i think the following is the best example. We go down and hang poolside on sunday morning, not expecting much, couple of drinks, swim, standard.
I get in the elevator with the singer from wolfmother. Nice dude, super nervous, just chatted to him about how many australians were staying in the hotel.

Get downstairs and hit the pool. After about 5 minutes some ratty looking aussie dude asks me for a lighter. We get talking, turns out its Jake Brown. He just won gold at the X games, you probably have seen this before.
Dude is totally cool, we join tables and end up hanging out with a whose who of pro skateboarding over the next few days/nights. Brandon Biebel, Mike Carrol, Pat Duffy, Jake Brown. Jake won pretty big in vegas last week and decided to celebrate by throwing $300 worth of 1 dollar bills into the hotel pool, some rapper dudes were talking about how he "made it rain"

Our room has become the party room, people coming up and just raging every night, again, the best thing about this place is how random and awesome it can turn in a second. Brandon came up last night with a few mates, one was a TV host for fuel TV, the other was Nick who runs Diamond Supply co. We are all hooking up in Vegas next week as everyone is out there for magic. Shit is going to be parttty.

Yesterday we were hanging by the pool and that dude that was in crazy town was swimming with his daughter. Dude is a total joke but he was nice enough. He was on some rehab show, i cant think what it was called but im pretty sure it was along the lines of "my shit nu metal band sucked and now i smoke heaps of crack and need to make a living by exploiting my habit on VH1"

Ron Jeremy was there too. Good Job
Met 2 loose dudes from Reno who had been shooting a commercial with Pat and Jake. Dudes were fucking ragers, i think one of them broke one of sebs ribs.

Roosevelt hotel staff are cleaning geniuses. This place has been so trashed its retarded and every day we come back to a spotless room.
Went wakeboarding today on a lake just norht of hollywood with my good friend jeff. Now im totally fucking sunburnt. But i will come home with a tan. win.
Fortunately the hotel has a gym so i get to drink and eat whatever then run 3 miles a day and not come home a fat tard.
This hotel is haunted, the elevator stops on level 5 and 7 even if the button hasnt been pressed, aparently people died on those levels. Sucks to be a ghost man, still having to take elevators and shit. Surely you would want some rad ghost powers to be able to transfer between levels of a hotel. Fuck the afterlife.

We had a partyy up here the other night and a couple of Daryls friends came up in the elevator. Some black dude was sharing the elevator with the 2 girls and had his erect penis out. The girls werent siked, the dude was half passed out. Pretty funny though, he got in the elevator at like the 5th floor and went up to 8 with his dick out. You gotta wonder if he was such a super player that he just finished up on level 5 and was off to visit such a sure thing on 8 that he thought it wasnt worth tucking that shit back in. Manly.
Jared Leto was partying in the lobby the other night. I really wish i had met him cos i wanted to tell him that i loved his band Gone in 60 seconds.
Did i mention how sunburnt i am. I have no elasticity in my skin right now, as my fingers move i can feel my shoulder skin reacting. not good.
I did the new logo for Dim Mak's Banan Split Sundaes night the other day. Will post soon, computer is being a gay.
Met a snowboarder called Dingo that runs an apparel line called Grenade, hell good dude. Dude partys harder than amy winehouse.
Oh heres a story. Hollywood fucking sucks on a sat night, especially if your rolling 4 dudes deep without any girls. We tried to hit a few clubs but no dice. So we are walking back to the hotel and there are 3 homeboys infront of us, one on a skateboard. He sort of looked like Cody Chestnut. Anyway, the dude skated about as good as me so he fell off the front of his board and it came rolling back into us. Jurt kicked it rolling back to his feet. THe dude gets in Kurts face about kicking his board. Kurt says he was giving it back, shit gets tense, everyone continues walking. They keep looking back and we just keep walking behind sort of cautiously. one guy lifts the back of his shirt a bit to scratch and he has a pistol in the back of his pants. We cross the road. Thats not being a pussy, thats called life preservation. We aint goin out like that.
Street meat is amazing. Hot dogs of questionable expiry date cooked by non english speaking man on side of street after midnight. Its like the russian roulette of fast food.
My brother has a mo. Webcam tells me this.
Kate has swine flu, and is generally mental.
Kef is now on msn. add her here domefrombehind69@hotmail.com
Seb is addicted to in n out burger. If he doesnt have it he scratches like a crak head.
the girl on the door for the club downstairs could get aids and i would be happy.
im home in a couple of weeks, shit is crazy and we arent even in vegas yet.
come party at dorcia in melbourne on sept 11. I will be.
party most of the time.
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