Flight delayed from Perth, ended up rocking out an hour and a half late. Heaps of "crazy" drunk aussies in the domestic terminal bar, managed to witness a shit indian aussie girl claiming that the asian bar tender was a racist cos he wouldnt serve her drunk ass. Its not cos your black you deadshit, its because you are an abnoxious drunken 18 year old.

Flight nearly crashed on takeoff. No shit. Got told off for playing bowling on my iphone. Flight attendants hate me for some reason. Ask anyone. Im hell nice too.
Got into melbourne and crashed out in the Hyatt Grand. Place was pimped out hard. Seb Valyside is footing the bill for this trip and he has come through, haarrd.

Caught up with an internet celebrity called Kate, you probably know her. She blogs about everything that happens in her life. Yes im a hypocrite. She also bleeds from the neck and has a spider that lives in her hair. We got drunk and hung out and talked heaps of shit. Was rather good. Highlite was definately the following.
Kate goes to the toilet in some scumbag melb bar. Seb and Myself sit at the table downstairs drinking. 2 absolute winner dudes come and sit uninvited at our table. "Dunno about you goiys but im ready to root." I told him that we really werent interested in rooting him. He explained that he had a hard on and was siked on "tits".
Kate returns, and shit gets awesome. She goes to the bar and the guy turns to me and says, and i quote "Is that ya missus?" "Do ya mind if i fuck her while your away?"
Thanks Melbourne.
Everyone thinks that danny and seb are drug dealers while in Melb. "Ya got any pingers broo?" "Any dingos mate?"
Notice how I never had a brother up untill a few years ago. Below is photo evidance of why that is. He was sort of born old. The curious case of daniel mellor.

Flight to LA was pretty dope, just slept the whole time. Had to run like a demon through syd airport, nearly missed my flight cos of duty free.
Checked in to the Roosevelt Hotel around lunch. Place is ay may zing. Whis will be my home for the next few weeks and i couldnt be happier. Maralyn Monro died at this hotel. Thats not cool cos she's dead, but its sort of cool. You know.

Caught up with Kurt and Brook and lots of LA mates. Siked to be back
A crackhead black dude raised his fist to seb in the lobby of the hotel. You know how you call dudes crack heads in australia, this guy actually smoked crack. Properly. Shit was pretty real.
I quit smoking but im having a haitus at the moment. Parlaiments are just great.
Went to Bardot last night to catch up with dim mak mates. Everyone was out, great times, Aoki, Dj AM and Nick Catchdubs spinning. Rad night.
Oh its summer here, glad im not in perth.
welcome back.
more soon.
Internet celebz for lyfe