Got everything we needed sussed for Magic on time, smiles all round, now its time to sell.
I have now been living at the Roosevelt for 2 weeks. After a good 14 days of passing the door that states "Do Not Enter" curiousity got the better of me and I entered. No Alarm. All good so far. So i followed the stairs up to the penthouse level and out onto the roof of the hotel. Best decision I have made so far. Got told off by hotel staff after about 3 minutes but it was enough to snap a few pics. You get the best views from rooftops and 90% of buildings in this country have a rooftop area.

Heading to vegas tomorrow, we got a Nissan SUV for the trip. I drove around hollywood yesterday and Im still alive. Siked.
Down at a pool party downstairs the other night and saw Ian Ziering. dude has the best name, didnt speak to him, didnt really have anything to say.

Fell in love with a girl by the pool the other night, from a distance like a creep. Then she kissed a girl. Not in a "wow those girls are kissing for attention, i need to suss if this is hot or tragic" sort of way, in a full blown "Im a lesbian and I have no interest in you whatsoever because you are a man" sort of way. The girl she kissed was a full masculine chick too. So bummed out, we would have had a wonderful life together.
Went into Kinko's print shop the other day to print off a bunch of flyers for Valyside. Saw Nik Olivieri or whatever his name is, the dude that used to play bass in Queens of the Stone Age. Seems even demon rock dudes need to photocopy too.

Oh there was a chick with a white top and no bra on there too, situations like that really make u realise that you can be anyone in the world, you can have achieved anything, it doesnt matter who you are or what you do, at the end of the day you are a dude and the aforementioned situation is at least a little bit awesome.
Dj Lethal walked passed us on Hollywood Bvd yesterday, he was in Limp Bizkit. I wish i didnt recognise losers.
Also yesterday i got in a cab with those big obnoxious sunnies I have, the asian driver dude thought I was famous and insisted that I sign an autograph. All The Best, Scott Mellor...
Gem said that my last big post made me sound like i though i was a sick cunt. I dont, thats just a run down of what went down. Gem once got T Boned by a smart car. That is not a sexual reference.
Went out on Wed and saw MIA play a secret party show downtown, dont know if i mentioned that last time. Was pretty dope but there was some shit going on and everything ran super late then she came out and did like 5 songs. There are so many scene photographers around now, its actually mental, I got in there before doors opened and all the "press dudes" were already there. Cobrasnake wannabes everywhere.. Hipsterfest. Maybe im just jaded that no one snaps me.
Caught up with Luke and Joanna last night, shit was rad, so good to see good friends again. They are bailing to Hawaii next week to avoid me.
Last time I was here i started seeing a girl called Jennifer, I sort of kept it out of here cos it was none of your business. Randomly caught up with her today by the pool. She has a new boyfriend and shit and she is pretty rad. Met a bunch of her friends, again, everyone is so nice to me here its almost a joke. Anyway, I ate lobster, drank beer, smoked cigarettes and chilled out, again, good people, good times.

Started reading rules of attraction, books better than the movie. Standard.
So many pretentious tards hang at the roosevelt pool. I saw a guy today with rosery beads tattood around his neck and down his chest. WINNER.
got a polaroid camera, trying to find film.
discovered baja fresh.

oh yeh, i was at the bar downstairs the other night, the same night i saw television's Ian Ziering actually, and this dooshbag guy pushed infront of me at the bar as i was patiently waiting to purchase a beverage. I was pretty off it but let it slide. Karma had other plans. Karma doesnt let shit slide. The dude grabbed his drinks, turned around and walked straight into a poolside bed that hit him at about shin height. Faceplant, 2 drinks in hand totally emptied, lots of people pointing and laughing. Think about that next time you push infront of someone in line. Your going to end up at the dentist. asshole.
been listening to the last song on the new cage album. its dope
i got nothing else to add.
till next time.
rip to DJ AM.