got in solo late on wed night, bought some weed, put a hoody on and strolled around the red light district. Place is retarded, thousands of dudes pave the streets picking out girls. I recon the hookers in the windows go through about 3 dudes an hour. Lots of old Colonial Sanders looking motherfuckers ducking in and out of small red lit rooms. I actually followed this 70 year old guy for about 40 minutes and he legit pumped 2 hookers in that period. Life didnt really go as planned for old man i spose.

abosolute mellor

dildo fest


dutch columbus

anyways, amsterdams red light district is as you woul expect. weed, hookers and drunken tourists. Oh and live sex shows. THese guys need to update their marketing, the front of the sex shops have bad 80's pump scene photos out the front with some guy trying to sell sex like its some brand new concept.. I got free wireless in the hostel dude, your gunna have to lift your game to get me to spend 30 euros to see someones parents bumping uglies...
fab came and met me on thuirsday (my birthday), we raged around the place, went and met up with the crookers and thunderheist, raged some shows around amstedam. Europeans go fucking nuts for the crookers, stage diving and shit. Fra and Bott are fabs mates from when he was a young creepy italian, rad dudes, good hangs.
Got high as shit with grahm and isis and went and watched Star Treck (in english). It sucked ass.

Isis' douche room
Ended up changing my plans and heading to Connobio with fab to see his home town. Check it out, most beautiful place i have ever seen. Lakes and mountains. Ate some legit italian food and chilled. Went and got drunk with Fra, Fab and Fras girl, everyone was busting out mad italian, was rad. Funniest thing is these guys could all rap wutang and shit before they could speak english. This is Conobio

Italians dont fuck around. Guns for show, knives for a pro

Hit up rome. Amazing place, cool hostel. Party all the time.
drank red wine, woke up feeling like i had been hit in the face with a sledge hammer.
Walked around for 6 hours and saw the collaseum and all the monuments. Lots of naked statue dudes fighting horses and looking bad ass.

Went on a pub crawl last night. Highlight was hanging out with some really legit peeps from all over the world in this baller club watching these italian dudes breakdance. Low light was getting spat on by a homeless guy with about 7 teeth. Strolled out of the bar to find somewhere to piss cos the line was stupid long, get about 200mtrs from the pub, some dude comes up and grabs my arm and is talking in italian, i back up, he grips tighter, i give him a shove and he falls down 2 steps, gets up and fires a mouthful of spit perfectly into my eye. I have a feeling he has done this before because his aim was spot on. I punched him hard in the face and he scurried off shouting and all these other homeless crackheads started coming down the street.. I bailed back to the bar and washed aids out of my eye for like 40 minutes. DIdnt really bounce back after that. Homeless spit in your eye is going to fuck up your night any way you look at it. Oh yeh, jock dudes on the pub crawl were all like "lets go fuck that guy up yo".. Railing on some homeless dudes isnt going to make me feel any better about having a face full of mouth jizz. So now i have a paranoid sore left eye and a fucked up hand. thanks rome, its been real.
saw a police cover band play at a bar. They didnt speak any english apart from police lyrics. couldnt help but think about scrantonicity. One of the best concerts of my life.
the girl opposite me on the train looks like one of those girls from a movie that is mad plain, but takes off her glasses and lets her hair down and is cracking. We just conversed but she dont speake much english. romance over.
i should stay off facebook when im drunk.
i should stop drinking when i get home.
Heard an australian dude talk about another mans phisique as "100 kilos with 1% body fat bro". Sweet pub crawl conversation fuckhead.
ate heaps of good fruit. Italian fruit is nice. yep
Saw a girl do a "i have seen step up 1 and 2 a hundred times, i got this shit" bendback and just stack it onto the steps of the stage in this club. I have realised that seeing people do super stupid shit and get hurt is totally hilarious. Everyone was freaking out cos she knocked herself out, but seriously, if you wanna bust out b grade white girl dance moves, you must deal with the consequences.
walking around the collaseum there are dudes dressed as legit old roman guards, they really play it up too and get people to pay to have photos with them. Best thing i saw in rome was this super real roman guard checking his facebook on his iphone.
Photobombing people inside the vatican is personally funny. No one else really feels it.
Taking photos of people taking photos of monumental shit is the new black.
i wish i packed light and got a backpack. I look like a tard wheeling round a 30kg suitcase thing with a skatey strapped to it. Im the inside joke of the north face canadian travel crew. Some dudes have been travelling for like 7 months and they have a bag that wouldnt hold my toiletries. Ill carry my shit around like a dick but my teeth are clean and i smell like an angel.. metro travel life bitch, goin out like that
in on the train to cannes now. pretty much done to be honest, had a good time, got some stories but real life is calling..
home soon.
bet its changed heeeaps.
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