been reading through my old myspace messages tonight cos im bored.
just before i left i posted this. I dont even remember writing it but it sums up exactly where I was before I bailed out for a while.
pretty huge contrast to now.
2009 for the win.
From: scott
Date: 08 Dec 2008, 10:12 PM
the first interpol record is so good.
revisiting and enjoying.
im outtie soon.
not going to have a going away party because i might come back and then everyone will be off it. Sort of like having an engagement party then calling off the wedding and everyone wants their gifts back but wont ask for them.
Work is crazy busy at the moment, trying to get everything done before i depart. Will still be working for australian clients etc from the states. its called email. technology eh?
Kind of leaving a fair bit behind but I think it will be good for me. America for however long, then Europe, then either home and back to america, home and back to europe, home and back to normal or back to america forever.
whoooo knows.
Apparently Hollywood is really dirty. I dont really care. It seems to be the place to be, theres a lot going on and a lot to do so i think ill be fine. Pretty sure I wont get shot, but again, who knows.
Kind of tacked europe on the end of the trip but im actually looking forward to it a lot more now that I have been thinking about it. I think Ill stay in Cali for 6 months ish then go and chill in europe for a while. Decide what I want to do from there.
This year has been a fucking rollercoaster. You get to the end of the year and you sort of look back on what has happened. I can tell you without a doubt in my mind that this one has been the most intense. Life gets pretty testing at times and I suppose yuou never know who you really are until your put in proper life changing situations. Im happy with how things are progressing now and i am ridiculously grateful for being allowed to do some of the things I have been able to do.
The years preceeding this really do pale in comparison. I would have to say that they have definately been better, but i am beginning to realise that life is totally unpredictable. You can be coasting one second and the walls are falling down the next. All I can really take away from this year is to hold those closest to you the tightest, and keep your eyes open, theres a million other peoples worlds going on around you, being self absorbed is a lonely existance. I got to know people close to me better than I ever have this year and I would trade that for nothing.
This is a pretty cliched blog type thing but im not really too bothered. If you read it then awesome. If not then your not reading this right now. So you dont really apply.
To all the important people in my life, I hope you know how important you are to me. Everyone keep moving because i dont know too many of you that have had a smooth sailing year. Shit might not get better, there may not be any great white hope, but we all have eachother, and at the worst of times, thats all we need. At the best of times, we dont write blogs about this sort of shit. We just talk about how good an old record is.
happy endish of the year,
Monday, October 12, 2009
better late than trevor.
ok so anyway i bailed LA with seb and stevedave after a lot of partying in LA. Shit was mental. I started writing this last post and it read like this
"Last few days in LA were pretty hectic, tried to get in as much pool time as possible before flying home. Met some rad people on the Saturday (I think) poolside. Dude that was throwing one of the partys was about 45, shirtless, overweight and had a cane. Apparently he is "the man" but he actually just looked like another coked out hollywood doosh.
Anyway, water, sun all that. Not a huge amount to report. Im thinking about throwing some summer pool partys in Australia, I had some of the best times on this trip just hanging poolside. Not sure if Australia is down with drinking next to the water though. We shall see."
See i did have every intention of actually writing it at the time. ah well.
I have been away for so much of this year so im pretty glad to be home., i have decided to buy a new bed and try and actually spend some time in it. This means scott will be in perth man, so theres not going to be much scribing in the interweb journal. I am hugely against 'feeling blogs' or being self righeous enough to think that people give a shit about my day to day. Plus, I find myself in interesting situations when im not, you know, in my apartment, going to work etc. Cool shit does happen but if its really that important ill tell you about it in person.
I flew back from LAX to Melbourne, bumped into Cam in the line for my flight, was pretty random. Good dude, we were going to intercom eachother on the plane but.. well theres a story to this. I recently found out my mum somehow obtained the address to this blog so, if your reading this, mum, im sorry but i am an adult and I go alright. Read Below.
So I was hanging around the pool halfway through my trip with Jake and Brandon and co and they were mates with a couple of rappers. Dudes were rad, one of them looked like Busta Rhymes. All became mates and I gave one of them a cigarette, he was siked and pulled out a bag of pills. He offered me and Im not big on the party drugs thing so i declined, then he took a purple one out of the bag and said it was valium.
Yeh this sounds like a story they tell you at a school assembly and shit but it worked out for the best.
Anway, i had it in my wallet for the rest of the trip and remembered that i had it the day we were flying out. Kurt and myself did a bit of research on the internet and corresponded the numbers on the pill and the colour in a medical dictionary. Turned out to be Viagra. Just kidding. It was something with a "pan" on the end that basically meant it was a sedative, it didnt have any huge warnings so i though i would test it out on the plane.
So i get on the plane and im chilling out ready for my 16 hour haul to australia, just after we take off i swallow my little purple travel partner and hope i dont heath ledger on the plane (too soon?). After about 15 minutes i find myself touching my palms a lot and becoming intrigued by the lightswitch in the seat. Steve Dave thinks this is hilarious..
I crash out for around 14 hours and wake up fresh as the morning.
Sooo. flights over 15 hours from now on will require a trip to the GP beforehand because that shit was practically time travel.
Long story, and rather pointless.
Regardless, landed in melbs, got picked up by danny and delbs.
these are the faces that greeted me upon my arrival back in the land of the convicts.

and of course the taker of above photo

So anyway, we get in, hang out, eat lunch. Do all the standard shit. Then I decide to crash out, get ready for the dorcia launch the next night etc.
Everyone else thought it would be a good idea to go to a strip club for rachis bday. Now I love rach, but i was fucking hammered, so i passed. Im usually up for the party, on this occasion, i took the smart option.
My friends are so understanding.

anyway, had dorcia melbs, it was rad, heaps of mates, heaps of fun, lots of people. Me and yon played out first melb shows ever. Shit was rad.
Stuck around in Melbs for the Bronx on Sunday.
Hung out in Melb town.
beat yon at bball

I gave all these tickets to a tiny kid. he was scared of me but i think he was siked after i left and he realised he had more tickets than a young jesus.
Saw a couple of DJs called Gilsun and Naysayer. Kids were dooope. Mashup warriors.
Saw the bronx. I ended up looking like this;

sweatty and retarded.
gave emma an involuntary piggy back. we look like we are embarking on an adventure.

then she creepily checked out my ass.

anyway, bronx were rad. LA was rad, Melb was rad.
Ill write more soon cos i went back to melb this weekend with ben and shit was epic.
watch this space.
this time last year the world was upside down. I think its come level a bit.
oh and watch this. Oldie but a goodie.
"Last few days in LA were pretty hectic, tried to get in as much pool time as possible before flying home. Met some rad people on the Saturday (I think) poolside. Dude that was throwing one of the partys was about 45, shirtless, overweight and had a cane. Apparently he is "the man" but he actually just looked like another coked out hollywood doosh.
Anyway, water, sun all that. Not a huge amount to report. Im thinking about throwing some summer pool partys in Australia, I had some of the best times on this trip just hanging poolside. Not sure if Australia is down with drinking next to the water though. We shall see."
See i did have every intention of actually writing it at the time. ah well.
I have been away for so much of this year so im pretty glad to be home., i have decided to buy a new bed and try and actually spend some time in it. This means scott will be in perth man, so theres not going to be much scribing in the interweb journal. I am hugely against 'feeling blogs' or being self righeous enough to think that people give a shit about my day to day. Plus, I find myself in interesting situations when im not, you know, in my apartment, going to work etc. Cool shit does happen but if its really that important ill tell you about it in person.
I flew back from LAX to Melbourne, bumped into Cam in the line for my flight, was pretty random. Good dude, we were going to intercom eachother on the plane but.. well theres a story to this. I recently found out my mum somehow obtained the address to this blog so, if your reading this, mum, im sorry but i am an adult and I go alright. Read Below.
So I was hanging around the pool halfway through my trip with Jake and Brandon and co and they were mates with a couple of rappers. Dudes were rad, one of them looked like Busta Rhymes. All became mates and I gave one of them a cigarette, he was siked and pulled out a bag of pills. He offered me and Im not big on the party drugs thing so i declined, then he took a purple one out of the bag and said it was valium.
Yeh this sounds like a story they tell you at a school assembly and shit but it worked out for the best.
Anway, i had it in my wallet for the rest of the trip and remembered that i had it the day we were flying out. Kurt and myself did a bit of research on the internet and corresponded the numbers on the pill and the colour in a medical dictionary. Turned out to be Viagra. Just kidding. It was something with a "pan" on the end that basically meant it was a sedative, it didnt have any huge warnings so i though i would test it out on the plane.
So i get on the plane and im chilling out ready for my 16 hour haul to australia, just after we take off i swallow my little purple travel partner and hope i dont heath ledger on the plane (too soon?). After about 15 minutes i find myself touching my palms a lot and becoming intrigued by the lightswitch in the seat. Steve Dave thinks this is hilarious..
I crash out for around 14 hours and wake up fresh as the morning.
Sooo. flights over 15 hours from now on will require a trip to the GP beforehand because that shit was practically time travel.
Long story, and rather pointless.
Regardless, landed in melbs, got picked up by danny and delbs.
these are the faces that greeted me upon my arrival back in the land of the convicts.

and of course the taker of above photo

So anyway, we get in, hang out, eat lunch. Do all the standard shit. Then I decide to crash out, get ready for the dorcia launch the next night etc.
Everyone else thought it would be a good idea to go to a strip club for rachis bday. Now I love rach, but i was fucking hammered, so i passed. Im usually up for the party, on this occasion, i took the smart option.
My friends are so understanding.

anyway, had dorcia melbs, it was rad, heaps of mates, heaps of fun, lots of people. Me and yon played out first melb shows ever. Shit was rad.
Stuck around in Melbs for the Bronx on Sunday.
Hung out in Melb town.
beat yon at bball

I gave all these tickets to a tiny kid. he was scared of me but i think he was siked after i left and he realised he had more tickets than a young jesus.
Saw a couple of DJs called Gilsun and Naysayer. Kids were dooope. Mashup warriors.
Saw the bronx. I ended up looking like this;

sweatty and retarded.
gave emma an involuntary piggy back. we look like we are embarking on an adventure.

then she creepily checked out my ass.

anyway, bronx were rad. LA was rad, Melb was rad.
Ill write more soon cos i went back to melb this weekend with ben and shit was epic.
watch this space.
this time last year the world was upside down. I think its come level a bit.
oh and watch this. Oldie but a goodie.
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